Companies today often ignore the idea that there is a real threat to their information- especially if it is in the “cloud”. “Who would want to steal our data?”- they ask. The truth is that there are numerous reasons, including one that you believe to be true- your data is valuable. For this reason alone, implementing effective information security measures and testing them regularly, should be a necessity to protecting the most critical resource your organization has- its data.
Our specialty lies in understanding what is at risk, by whom, and how to secure it. We can help.
TRGroup Inc – we help companies secure their data, before the bad guys do.
Threats to your data
Threats to your information do not always come from the outside. TRG takes a 360 approach to securing your information for you.
threat vs mitigation
Our clients are often surprised by the awareness we bring to them; by thinking outside the box we present attack vectors never thought to be possible to them:
- Corporate data hijacking
- Man-in-the-middle attack
- Eaves-dropping at a “coffee shop”
- “I lost my thumb drive”